Standing room only, row of 1degree fridges, steaming Oden, what a din. Then it all stops. Shouts are muted, the cold of the air-conditioning is faint, the epitome of rice fermentation. Balance on the palette and finish. Mildly heavy, round, smooth. It was a 2nd session....man..

REWIND: It was an ordinary session, with Bordeaux, Champagne, Italian and Spanish. There was also 7-up! The Nvmanthia was interesting, filled with Chocolate, butter and TM mentioned the force will appear in a few hours. Camensac '79 could be a bit too old, vegetal, a bit 'watery', fruit is going but tannins are still alive. Barde Haut's nose reminds' of Paulliac, palette of merlo, a meatier finish then at typical 97. Bruno Paillard was very yeasty, fresh, easy to drink. Fiano have the 'nose of the night', white flowers, wished more acidty present. 7-up was good too.
Session turned extra-ordinary with a trip to Orihara with TM and gang and we had the pleasure to taste the 1978 Daiginjo, alcohol 16%.....and the room started to spin.
Chateau de Camensac 1979
Nvmanthia 2007
Barde Haut St Emillion 1997
Bruno Paillard 1999
Colle di Tilo Fiano
1978 Daiginjo, alcohol 16% (image taken by WW)
Orihara liquor shop and bar
Tori-Tama Restaurant
11 Unity Street #01-02 Robertson Walk
6836-5710 and 6836-5680
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